- Phone: +90 552 202 16 11
- Email: aykutyavuzlaw@gmail.com
- Address: Bursa,Türkiye
Family Law

Family Law Consultancy Services
I prioritize meeting my clients; specially adapted to the needs of family law and personal law
solutions to meet your specific demands. My consultancy services include the following.
I offer expert guidance on the following issues
Divorce Procedures
Detailed information on the legal process.
Action Requests
Assisting in filing necessary legal actions.
Financial Support
Guidance on poverty, participation, aid, or precautionary alimony, and related requests.
Financial Support
Guidance on poverty, participation, aid, or precautionary alimony, and related requests.
Custody Matters
Expertise in handling custody cases.
Property Division
Ensuring fair division of assets.
Uncontested Divorce
Streamlining the process for uncontested divorces.

Recognition and Enforcement
Assistance with recognition and enforcement of legal decisions.
Property Regime Liquidation
Managing property regime liquidation
Legal Property Regime Changes
Information on altering legal property regimes.
Family Residence
Addressing issues related to family homes.
Guardian Appointments
Guidance on appointing legal guardians.
Material and Moral Compensation
Providing insight into compensation claims.
Family and Personal Law Consultation Services
I provide comprehensive consultation services to anticipate and navigate potential disputes in family and personal law.